Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes- April 29, 2008

Meeting Agenda
  • Report on Workshops and upcoming Conferences (Debra)
  • Determine Grant Application for Chewelah
  • Report from Chewelah Economic Alliance (Ralph Walter)
  • Approve Vision Statement
  • Other

Present: Gary McNiel, Karen Lyson, Penny Murphy, Sarah Haden, Krisan LeHew, Ralph Walter, Angie Tipton, and Debra Kollock (Chewelah's Community Coach)

  • Gary reported about meeting with Rural Resources
  • The Grant Application was tabled until a future meeting
  • Brenda volunteered to take all three grant versions home and read over them since she'd just attended the Grant Writing workshop with Susan Howlett
  • Discussion about the middle of May deadline to submit Strategic Plans to NWAF about all of the projects we're currently working on in Chewelah
  • Debra will write up the Strategic Plans, and email them to us to embellish on
  • Discussed wanting to develop a "Local Business and Services Directory" that would include local area cottage industries and possibly a locality rating system
  • Talked about initial framework being 6-18 months
  • Would help keep money in the community, and could lead to increased local businesses and purchasing power
  • Ralph talked about the Michael Shuman workshop, and about wanting to do a "Local First" approach, and he talked about a recent trip to Bellingham with Rose to check out their community
  • Karen made a motion that we buy the "How To Kit/Book" for $100.00, and Brenda seconded, and the motion carried unanimously
  • Angie spoke about the "Sustainable Connections", and the 5th Annual Spring Business conference & Expo on May 15th at 8:00 am-5:30 pm that could be very beneficial for members to attend, and bring back valuable information that could be put to use in the community
  • Angie circulated the flyer that she'd printed out, so interested members could copy down the information
  • Krisan stated that maybe her husband and her would attend
  • Ralph handed out "Local First" information, and Chewelah Economic Alliance brochures, and spoke briefly on the possibility of partnering in a way with the Chewelah Economic Alliance who's been dormant for a year, and currently is a 501C6, but maybe in the future they could change to a 501C3, and center around "Local First", and include us (Horizons) in their bylaws as a subcommittee. They'll have a meeting at the end of May, and Ralph will bring this option before the committee of the Chewelah Economic Alliance (Entire Steering Committee Approved)
  • Tabled the approval of the "Vision Statement"
  • Krisan is going to nail down Patrick Malone Grant Writing workshop, but if they have it at the WSU Extension Building there's only room for 14 people, or teams of two to each computer
  • Angie spoke about the "Teen Night" at the Chewelah Library, and Whitney saying that would be great if we could sponsor the event, but the cost would be about $350.00
  • Karen motioned to approve that we sponsor the "Teen Night", and Gary seconded, and the motion carried unanimously
  • Angie will contact Whitney, and tell them we're sponsoring the event for teens
  • Debra spoke about the only date for Ann Hennings to do a local workshop is on Thursday, May 29, 2008, and could possibly be from 1-4 pm, and all agreed that we want to book that workshop
  • Debra will email out "Marketing Checklist" to Rose and Angie
  • Debra stressed the importance of getting better stats and data on Chewelah Volunteer organizations and will email a list to Angie to keep forwarding so that everyone can add any information they have to it (Penny does not want this emailed to her)
  • The information will be used to invite people and organizations to our "Volunteer Workshop"
  • Krisan mentioned that the only dates available for the Sue Price workshop is Friday, June 27, and Saturday, June 28, and asked if we had a preference, and it was agreed that if it was important to people they'd find a way to attend even if it ends up being on a Friday
  • Reminded everyone about the "Big Idea" workshop set to take place on Saturday, May 31 at the Colville Community College (time of event to be decided)
  • Debra handed out copies of Rural Resources...in Action newsletter that features a story about Head Start and Angie Tipton and her son- in the article it talks about her becoming involved in a grant-funded project to reduce poverty in the Chewelah area, which of coarse is the Horizons project that's funded by the NWAF that we are all so lucky to be involved with

Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Angie Tipton