Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Volunteers Rock!

presented by Ann Hennings, WSU Extension
If your organization relies on volunteers, then don't miss this FREE workshop. Learn tips to make your organization attractive to volunteers and bring back management techniques to empower your organization!

On the afternoon's agenda:
  • Defining Volunteerism
  • Stages of Adult Development
  • Building Job Descriptions
  • Breaking Myths of Volunteerism
  • Task vs. People- Oriented Volunteers
  • Marketing your Volunteer Opportunities
  • Feedback to the Volunteer

THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008- 1:00- 4:00 pm

Chewelah City Council Chambers, 301 E Clay, Chewelah, WA

For additional information or to register contact:

WSU Stevens County Extension-(509) 684-2588 or sgordon@wsu.edu

This workshop is funded through the Northwest Area Foundation and WSU Extension. Gas cards and child care reimbursement available. Please request when you register.