Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes- May 13, 2008

Present: Gary McNiel, Karen Lyson, Tracey Rice, Brenda Gregerson, Angie Tipton, and Rose Walter
  • Went through the meeting minutes from April 29
  • The "How To Kit/Book" has been ordered
  • Angie reported that the Chewelah Library was very happy that we're sponsoring their "Teen Night" in June, and she'll post it to the blog when the flyer is available
  • Angie will forward the volunteer email back to Rose and Tracey, so they can add any information to it
  • Flyers for the "What Does Your Customer Want?" workshop with Sue Price were handed out, and Tracey volunteered to hand deliver a stack to the local businesses
  • Currently there is not a flyer for the "Volunteer Recruitment and Training" workshop on May 29 with Ann Hennings, so Tracey will email Debra about the flyer, so that we can advertise and get it in the paper
  • Rose will email Debra about food that could be provided at the volunteer training

Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Angie Tipton