Monday, April 14, 2008

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes- April 8, 2008

Meeting Agenda
  • Personal Touch- Inviting individuals to the Workshops
  • TEDD Director to visit Chewelah
  • Report on possibility of Sue Price Marketing Workshop
  • Debra report on Chewelah possible workshops
  • Discussion on what we will do with our $4,000 Training Grant Monies
  • Horizon Committee Updates/Community News
  • Other

Present: Gary McNiel, Karen Lyson, Sarah Haden, Krisan LeHew, Tracey Rice, Rose Walter, Angie Tipton, Debra Kollock(Chewelah's Community Coach)

Meeting Started at 4:35 pm

  • Rose and Debra talked about how effective personal invitations are, and Debra provided a stack of flyers for both the upcoming workshops
  • Tracey volunteered to hand deliver the flyers to local businesses
  • Angie reported that she'd received a phone call today from Cindy at the School District Office to bump the reservation made for the Horizons More/Better Jobs Committee for April 10, with Leslie Jones as guest speaker
  • Krisan checked with the City Hall Office about their other room, and reserved that for Thursday's meeting at 3:30 pm
  • Angie will send out an email about the change of location, and contact Leslie Jones to let her know, and also invited all Steering Committee members. She has taken on the leadership of the Horizons More/Better Jobs Committee
  • Rose spoke about Sue Price(Marketing Consultant) from Oregon that goes into communities and shops, and later does a 3 hour workshop to see what's working, what's not, and what can be done to improve local businesses, but getting her would take up over half of our training funds
  • Karen moved that we book Sue Price, and Tracey seconded, we all voted, and the motion carried unanimously
  • Krisan will get Karen information to post to the blog about Sue Price
  • Sue Price will be booked for the last week of June (50 people=$2,200) estimate
  • Hunters- Has spent all of their training dollars on health related trainings (Baby Sitting Classes, 1st Response First Aid & CPR, and Food Handler's Training
  • Colville- Has decided on 2 Workshops, "Early Learning/Literacy From Birth To Three", and a half day training on "Entrepreneurial Training", as well as an "Innovation Contest", where there will be a panel of people to rate the innovations, and research it's marketability
  • Springdale- A car load of women are going to the "Green Conference" in Seattle, and a car load of men are going to Goldendale for a hands on workshop on building with earth plasters, clay, and building a cob house.
  • Springdale will also be having a workshop with Patrick Malone after the Grant Writing Workshop to give them help writing a grant
  • John Smith will be talking about Business Planning, and 501 C3's at the "Little Gallea Restaurant" in Kettle Falls on Wednesday at 6:00 pm
  • Debra is working on a list that will sort grants regionally by topics, and groups to make them easier to access
  • Karen reported that Naomi Miller spent 3 hours inputting email addresses for all Horizons participants
  • Sarah reported about"Power Of Hope" which motivates youth through various arts that would be great to research for getting something up and going for the youth of Chewelah, or the youth mentors- She says they're great

Community News/Chewelah

  • There's a "Teen Night" with movies, games, and food coming in June to the Chewelah Library that we'd like to help support- Tracey will check and see what is needed, and report back to the committee
  • Gary reported that the "Youth Center" may open up for another day each week, and talked about the need for volunteers/mentors, and about Thursday's being"Family Night" with a turnout rate of 15 youths, and four adults
  • All community ideas have been forwarded to CTED to see if there's anything they could help with
  • Sarah reported that the RCO(Resource Conservation Office) has a grant writer that Newport is going through about building a marina, and could be a possible resource in the future for Chewelah projects. They did the Chewelah tennis courts, and "Riverfront Park" in Spokane
  • Debra mentioned maybe using all calculated volunteer hours as a volunteer match when applying for future grants because it shows just how many hours we've put in as a community towards "Poverty Reduction" already to date
  • Debra is working on getting highway signs for the "Horizons Communities"
  • As of July 1, 2008 Chewelah will be considered an "Alumni Community"
  • Angie, Tracey, and Rose volunteered to come to the upcoming workshops early to help with registration, gas cards, child care, ect.

Next Meeting will be on April 29, at 4:30 pm in room #105 at the Chewelah City Hall

Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Angie Tipton