Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Horizons More/Better Jobs Meeting Minutes- April 10, 2008

Meeting Agenda
  • Introductions
  • Get an update from the group of what projects & assignments are currently being pursued or planned
  • 4:00 pm - Leslie Jones, Executive Director of Tri-County Economic Development District(TEDD)
  • What is currently being done for businesses/jobs in this area?
  • What can we do as a group?
  • Refine strategy
  • Set up next meeting date(preferably a Thursday)
  • Assignments for next meeting

Present: Tracey Rice, and Angie Tipton

Meeting started at 3:36 pm

  • Only two members of the group were present, so everything on the agenda was tabled until a later meeting-(School District Board meeting was also today at the same time, and prevented some members from being present)
  • We had Debra Kollock(Chewelah's Community Coach), Gary McNiel(Chewelah Steering Committee), Jason (Director of the Youth Center), Louise(Chamber of Commerce), Bob(Akers United Drug), and Ralph Walter all present as guests to hear Leslie Jones
  • Introductions were made

Leslie Jones' Presentation:

  • Handouts were given: "Business Plan outline", "Do You Have What It Takes to Start a Home-Based Business or Micro Business? & "Rate Yourself-Are You Ready To Start A Business?"
  • Leslie asked what kind of questions and concerns we had
  1. What can we do to support businesses and make them sustainable?
  2. Some of the jobs that are available here, we don't have people qualified to fill.
  3. "Basic Skills" and "Work Ethics" are very lacking.
  4. How can we keep our youth in the community?
  5. There's a huge need for "Work Readiness" Training.
  6. A need for higher education to be qualified for today's work force.
  7. Three local businesses have recently closed down, and more are expected to do the same. What can we do to support them better?
  8. What is the "Five Star Enterprise Community Development" program? What are we lacking in qualifying for this program?

Leslie will do some research for us and try to identify the "gaps" in our local economy, and get back with us.

  • Leslie Jones gave a brief overview of what TEDD does, and what types of projects they work on
  • She has only been working for TEDD for eight months, and states that she's still learning
  • In the past she's managed a Chamber of Commerce for several years
  • States that "Rural Issues" aren't unique, and several communities have the same problems,(more/better jobs needed, improved economy, affordable housing issues, Ect.)
  • Leslie has extensive background in dealing with these rural issues that we're facing, and connecting the dots for communities like Chewelah
  • Explained that the "Five Star Enterprise Community Development" program is ending this year, and has been federally funded for the last ten years at about $150,000 per year that will be gone- Huge loss of yearly money for the qualifying communities, and will definately have an impact
  • Leslie believes that if we can grow one job at a time it equals a stabler community in the long run than big business hiring 100 workers, then later laying off those 100 workers
  • TEDD is required to do "job fairs"
  • She's going to train her staff to be instructors of an entrepreneurial program
  • Discussed micro business, and that they have less than a million dollars in revenue
  • Talked about tourism and how it strengthens rural communities
  • Currently has three Americorps volunteers working for TEDD, and has applied to get three more to pick up from where they leave off during the following year
  • Discussed doing an informal study or survey of the local area business needs and strengths to get a starting point of where to go from here as a group

TEDD's Mission

In order to sustain the highest quality of life for the people of Northeast Washington, the Tri-County Economic Development District strives to develop a stable and diverse economy; to build partnerships between businesses, government and communities; and to assist businesses to grow, invest, create, and retain jobs.

  • I've included this because it says it all, and I encourage you to visit their Website: which has a wealth of information about Chewelah, and the other Tri-County communities
  • On behalf of myself and all the members of the Horizons More/Better Jobs Committee we'd like to recognize & thank Leslie Jones for her wonderful presentation, she's an asset to Chewelah and all of our community neighbors!! We'd also like to thank those members of the community that came to hear her speak; and thank you to Gary McNiel for taking the great photos for our blog!!

Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Angie Tipton