Monday, April 14, 2008

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes- March 25, 2008

Meeting Agenda
  • Training Topics- What do we want to learn?
  • Presenters for those trainings
  • Schedule next meeting date
  • Community News/ Committee Reports

Present: Gary McNiel, Tracey Rice, Sarah Haden, Krisan LeHew, Rose Walter, Karen Lyson, Angie Tipton, Debra Kollock(Chewelah's Community Coach)

Meeting Started at 4:36 pm

  • Grant Application process/Application review was tabled until the next meeting
  • Mission Statement suggestions were tabled until next meeting
  • Reviewed top training choices from our last meeting


  • Needs Assessment- What kind of volunteers?
  • Screenings
  • Recruiting
  • Training
  • Supervising/Evaluating
  • Rewarding/Motivation
  • Retaining
  • Short-term vs. Long-term
  • Communication
  1. Sarah is going to check possible trainers
  2. Debra is checking with WSU for possible trainers and Judy
  3. Krisan will check with Patrick Malone

Grant Writing/Fundraising 101

  • How do you find them? (Research)
  • Developing your fundraising plan
  1. Betty Buckley-Debra will call
  2. Gabriel-Debra will call
  3. Dave Keeley-Krisan and Debra will call

Rural Economic Development

  • What businesses are already working?
  • Sales and Marketing
  1. Sue as possible trainer?

Community News

  • Krisan has ordered the book about setting up a non-profit
  • Flyers handed out for Rural Economic Development with Michael Shuman which will be at the Ag & Trade Center on April 17, 2008- 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
  • Flyers handed out for Planning a Farm Forum- April 3, 2008 at the WSU County Extension 6:00 pm-8:30 pm
  • Flyers handed out for the Grant Writing Workshop- April 18 and 19, 2008 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the WSU County Extension in Colville- Preregister by April 11(Susan Howlett is the presenter)
  • Krisan handed information out on Financial Literacy/Business Planning Classes
  • Angie handed out the Spring Catalog for the Chewelah Community Education program
  • Debra will email all of these to Karen to be posted on the blog

Next Meeting will be on April 8, at 4:30 pm in room #105 at the Chewelah City Hall

Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted By Angie Tipton