Friday, March 14, 2008

March 11, 2006 Steering Committee Minutes

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes for March 11th, 2008

Meeting Agenda
• Local Training Options
• Mission Statement Draft
• Grant Application Process
• Community/ Committee Reports

Present: Tracey Rice, Penny Murphy, Krisan LeHew, Rose Walter, Brenda Gregerson, Angie Tipton, Debra Kollock (Chewelah’s Community Coach)

Meeting Started at 4:34 pm
• Introductions
• Drafted Mission Statement was passed around and will be emailed to all members to get input and ideas
• Received handouts on Grant Application Process/Application to review and go over any questions or concerns at the March 25th meeting
• We each picked five of our top choices for training, then prioritized as a group
1. How to revitalize stalemated groups
2. Recruit new & motivate existing volunteers
3. How to set up a non-profit
4. Grant / Fundraising
5. Rural Economic Development
6. Sustainable Projects
7. Youth Mentoring /Youth Projects (Shock Coach) or Natalie on Complex Trauma
8. Do you want to start your own business? (Rick Hanson)
• Discussed how some of the topics could be combined, and how the youth topics would be better on a day or night by themselves
• Discussed various people that may be able to teach, and how some topics could be offered through the Adult Education Program
• All training has to be completed by July 1st, 2008, so we set May 3rd, and May 17th as possible training dates
• Decided that the workshops should be two hours, and the most popular could have two sessions
• Krisan talked about ordering a non-profit book since that is a high level of interest
• Springdale is having Patrick Malone do a workshop on Grant Writing, and maybe he could do one at Chewelah as well
• Jenkins High School and the Middle School were possible places to have the Training Workshops, and that will be checked into
• Rose, Brenda, and Tracey picked topics to come up with specific questions or areas of focus that should be covered in a two hour workshop- Everyone else should think about this, and come to the next meeting with possible ideas too
• The Chewelah Record Book will now be with Angie, and she will be responsible for reserving the room at City Hall for any upcoming meetings, as well as the key and locking up after meetings.
• Brenda will bring the flipcharts to the next meeting
Community News
• Krisan brought a flyer on the Colville’s Focus Team Summit for March 19th, 2008 -5:30 to 8:00 pm at the Colville Campus with Leslie Jones and Sue Poe, other communities are welcome, and Debra will provide gas cards for that*
• Krisan relayed that there’s a new business open that is called “The Used Seller” that offers reasonable prices, and a wide selections of items
• There’s a Green Festival in Seattle on April 12-13 with over 350 exhibits and 125 dynamic speakers – for more information
• Krisan relayed that Kettle Falls has their own Newsletter that will be out on April 1st, 2008 and they talk about what Horizon’s has done for their community
Next Meeting will be on March 25th, 2008 @ 4:30 pm Chewelah City Hall Room # 105
Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted By Angie Tipton