Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You Asked For It Adgenda

You Asked For It!
Enjoy a full day of training, Dinner and Networking with Horizon Alumni (H2) and New Horizon community members.

Join us Friday, April 3rd at the New Springdale Community Center (The Depo)
107 Shaffer Ave Springdale
12pm-7pm. Come for all or part of the event.

12:00-2:15 True Colors Training with Bridgett Rohner
True Colors is a simple way to recognize personality differences for people of all ages. Using colors to identify four basic personality types, True Colors improves communication skills and understanding of human behavior. True Colors is a lively, interactive, and easy program to help you discover your strengths!

2:30-4:45 Youth/Adult Partnerships (YAP) Presented by Jan Klein
The Yin and Yang of YAPS
Yin and Yang is a Chinese philosophy describing how seemingly opposing forces are bound together, intertwined, and interdependent. Are youth and adults really opposite of each other, as portrayed in the media, or can those differences create strength when partnered together? Learn about the benefits of youth/adult partnerships, when and how they can be utilized, and some creative tips to interact successfully with each other. Both youth and adults encouraged to attend.

5:00-7:00 Dinner and Speed Dating Horizon Style
Meet and spend time talking with Alumni (H2) communities to find out what projects they are working on, their successes, what's worked and what hasn't. It’s a great opportunity to build new partnerships with surrounding communities.

Please R.S.V.P. by March 27th to or 690-8400
Travel and child care reimbursement is available upon request.

Krisan LeHew
Horizon's Community Coach
Community Leadership to Reduce Poverty
Washington State University Extension
P.O. Box 401
Chewelah, WA 99109
(509)935-0578 (fax)