Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Steering Committee

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes for February 26th, 2008

Meeting Agenda
• Grant Writing Training
• Rural Economic Development Training
• Possible other training topics
• Horizon Results: 2/8/2008

Present: Karen Lyson, Gary McNiel, Tracy Rice, Angie Tipton, Brenda Gregerson, Rose Walter, and Debra Kollock (Chewelah’s Community Coach)

Meeting Started at 3:06 pm
• Flyers were handed out for the upcoming training events
• Rural Economic Development with Michael Shuman is April 17, 2008
• Grant Writing is a two day training on April 18 & 19, 2008 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm- preregister by April 11- (Susan Howlett is the speaker)
• Horizons Results- Published: 2/8/2008/ Went over and discussed, and will be voting on for training at next meeting
• Chewelah Valley Resource Center Update/ Gary McNiel relayed that nothing new has happened since our last meeting due to Mike’s injury
• More & Better Jobs Update/ Tracy Rice relayed that at the last meeting on the 11th only four people showed up, and next meeting date unknown
• Youth Update/ Gary McNiel relayed that the Youth Center is in need of mentors, volunteers, ect
• It was agreed upon to hold a monthly meeting, but in March there will be two- March 11 @ 4:30 pm, March 25 @ 4:30 pm
• Debra has applications for anyone requesting funding from the Steering Committee, and going to email out page of all the Horizons Workshops available
• Discussed the Adult Education Program, and as soon as Spring classes are available we’ll get a list out to all Horizon participates
• A Mission Statement was discussed as needing to be addressed, so keep this in mind for the next meeting
Next Meeting will be on March 11, 2008 @ 4:30 pm Chewelah City Hall Room # 105
Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted By Angie Tipton