Friday, August 24, 2007

Visioning Survey

Chewelah Wash. - As part of its Horizons Project working with local citizens to improve the quality of life in Chewelah, Washington State University Extension will be gathering input from as many community members as possible. A horizon is a community leadership program designed to assist small rural and reservation communities enhance their local economies and quality of life.

A brief survey is being mailed to area citizens this month to ask for their opinions on promoting positive change in the community. Participation in the survey is voluntary and the responses will be kept completely anonymous. A summary of the results will be provided to the community’s Horizons Project Committee to help inform their efforts to plan for Chewelah's future.

“We hope that everyone will take a few minutes to complete and return the survey,” said Debra Kollock, Horizons Community Coach for Chewelah. “The more input we receive the better our plans will reflect the opinions and desires of our community. It’s a chance for everyone to be heard.”

A community event is being planned for late this fall where community members will be invited to create a vision statement and a basic community plan based in part on the survey results.

Chewelah is one of 23 communities statewide chosen to participate in the Horizons Project administered by WSU Extension and funded by grants from the Northwest Area Foundation. Its goal is to help members of participating communities develop skills, tools and practical strategies to address local economic and social issues through a program of local leadership training and skill-building.

Volunteers from Chewelah have been participating in the program since fall 2006.

For more information about the Horizons Project or to obtain additional surveys contact Horizons Community Coach Debra Kollock (509)684-2588