June 2010 WSU Stevens County Extension News, a monthly newsletter with Extension event and program news.
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Visit us in our new office! During the transition, our office will be closed, but stop by any time after May 26. WSU Stevens County Extension office will be moving to 986 S. Main, at the west end of Southtown Plaza (next to Curves.) We will be co-locating with Tri County Economic Development District to create new opportunities for partnership while continuing to offer for our existing programs. We will invite you to an open house once we are settled and moved in.
Food and Farm:
June 5, 12, and 26: The Saturday WSU Master Gardener Plant Clinic is back for the season at the NE WA Farmers Market on the corner of Astor and Main in Colville from 9-11 a.m. Master Gardeners can answer your gardening questions and diagnose problems. Please bring samples!
June 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30: The Wednesday WSU Master Gardener Plant Clinic is back for the season at the Colville Farmers’ Market starting at noon on the corner of 3rd and Oak, one block East of Main in Colville.
June 30: Gardening with Pat Evans. Bring you lunch and join Pat Evans, WSU Master Gardener at the Colville Library at noon to learn about gardening in containers and extended season gardening. This is part of the Free Brown Bag Lunch and Lecture Series through the Libraries of Stevens County.
4-H Youth Development Activities:
May 31: Today is the last day to enroll in 4-H or add projects to be eligible to show at the NE WA Fair.
June 7: Today is the early registration deadline for Step into your Future (4-H Teen Conference) held June 27-29. During Teen Conference you will live in a dorm, experience the WSU campus, meet new friends, and get some answers for YOUR future by participating in a wide variety of hands-on workshops and fun activities that explore educational activities, careers, and life skills. Open to teens in grades 8-12. You don't have to be in 4-H. Scholarships are available to help with expenses.
June 12: Join us at Camp Princess Pine for the annual 4-H Youth Fishing Derby on June 12 from 9 am to 1 pm. Camp Princess Pine is located on Lake Thomas. Youth 15 and under are invited for a day of fishing and fun!
June 12 and 13: Arden All Arounders 4-H club will sponsor a Showmanship and Western Games Clinic on June 12. The following day (June 13) they will host a state-qualifying Western Games Show. Both events will be held at the Arden Old Timers Arena. Entries must be postmarked by June 8.
June 17: The annual 4-H County Activity Day is set for today from 9 am - 1 pm in the Colville City Park. Judging contests, crafts, contests, and more.
June 26 and 27: Mark your calendars for this weekend and plan to attend the Tri-Club Summer Classic 4-H and Open Performance and Western Games Show at the Arden Arena. Haynickers, Summit Spirits, and Horse 'n Around are sponsoring the show. Entries are due by June 23.
June 27: Panorama 4-Paws will host Fun Show for dogs, cats, and other small animals today at 9 am at the NE WA Fairgrounds. Contact Jody Hoffman at 684.5977 for more information.
The State Qualifying Fashion Revue usually held in July will not be held this year. Instead we will hold the qualifier during the NE WA Fair.
Volunteer Hours: A reminder that all enrolled 4-H volunteers need to be inputting their volunteer hours at http://ext.wsu.edu/testVolunteer/logon.aspx. This is a requirement to be covered by WA State Dept. of L&I. It also helps us track the number of hours volunteers contribute to the program. Contact Shannon if you need your log in information.
For a complete calendar of events visit: http://stevens.wsu.edu/enewsletter.htm
WSU Stevens County Extension985 S. Elm Ste. A, Colville, WA 99114509-684-2588 509-684-9790 fax TDD 1-800-833-6388
Cooperating agencies: Washington State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Stevens County. Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension office. Persons with a disability requiring special accommodations while participating in the program may call WSU Stevens County Extension at 509-684-2588. If accommodation is not requested in advance, we cannot guarantee the availability of accommodation on site. Extension programs and policies are consistent with federal and state laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, disability, and sexual orientation.