Monday, March 15, 2010

Chewelah Farmers Market News

What amazing weather we have been having. There have been sightings of daffodils, daylilies and other bulbs already poking through the soil, all ready for an early spring. It is time to start seeds indoors, if you are so inclined, signaling the start of months of nurturing and anticipation. We may have a happy surprise during the Chewelah Farmers Market special pre-season Salad Days, Friday, May 21 and Friday, May 28. And that surprise is more produce available than we would typically have that time of the year. Keep thinking sunny thoughts!
Plan on attending the next Chewelah Farmers Market Big Meeting on Tuesday, March 16th from 3:30-6:00. It is important that we hear from growers, vendors and consumers to hear thoughts and ideas that will help us make the Chewelah Farmers Market benefit as many people as possible. We will also be treated to a presentation on drip irrigation by Dee Acheson, owner of Front Porch produce.
And don’t forget the Farmers Market ‘Fresh Start’ Grand Opening on Friday June 4th. There will be lots of fun and activities, including the Giant Pumpkin Seed Give-Away. Try your hand a growing a whopper and bring it the Harvest Festival in October to see if your pumpkin reigns supreme.
For more information , please visit reply to this email or call Market Manager Gary McNiel at 509.690.7731